
Friday, October 2, 2009

Help-Portrait movement & Metro Atlanta Task Force for the Homeless and APA Atlanata!

I think we all found the true spirit off Christmas that day

The Help-Portrait before Christmas was awesome! In just one day, over 100 homeless men & women, many of whom had never been photographed were reached. A truly moving experience & one to be remembered ...

Help-Portrait movement

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What can you do with a Mirror Lens?

I found this Mirror Lens in a used store in Atlanta - It is very fascinating to play with! Thank you Mira for taking the time and letting me test - this new "Toy"!

APA Atlanta presents A Hundred Beatuiful Things

I finally decided to start a blog about my business and I felt this might be a good event to start with!!

1 of my images has been selected for a juried show and silent auction in conjunction with Atlanta Celebrates Photography. A Hundred Beautiful Things features work from members of the Atlanta chapter of Advertising Photographers of America. Exhibition is Friday Oct 2 from 7 to 11 at Chris Stanford Studio 211 Walker Street Atlanta, GA 30313. Auction will take place from 7:30 to 9:30.

This picture was the first picture I took in a series of boxing pictures in Decatur-Atlanta and Hilton Head: